Full Moon’s Eclipse

Dear friends,
Sensei crossed over Tuesday afternoon November 8th, while asleep or meditating. Following the full moon total lunar eclipse that morning, it’s almost a beautiful coincidence for our dear poet-meditator.

He caught a moderate case of COVID Sunday and was comfortable with oxygen and IV fluids, and no need for pain medication. Five years ago he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and this year with terminal cancer. Although his symptoms from both were mild, he became weak and slept a lot. “No energy, no interest,” as he would say over the past 7 years in nursing homes. He remained mentally sharp with clear memory through his last days.

He knew he would pass in the near future, and remained content and accepting of it as a result of practicing relinquishment. A deep practice of meditation throughout his life revealed his golden true nature as an example of immense contentment and confidence.

A memorial service is scheduled for Sunday, December 4th at Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara (see announcement here).
With metta,

photo from 12/15/21

2 Replies to “Full Moon’s Eclipse”

  1. Here is the Poya Day program for December 4th:

    8:00 am – Observance of eight precepts
    8:30 am – The Boodhi Puja
    9:15 am – Meditation
    10:15 am – Dhamma discussion I
    11:15 am – Buddha Pooja and lunch for all participants
    1:00 pm – Video Program
    2:00 pm – Dhamma discussion II

    3:30pm-memorial service for sensei Shibuya

    The temple will provide breakfast and lunch.
    Please wear light clothing, preferably white.

    (click here for the full invitation)

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